Excel Shortcut Hacks: Boosting Productivity in Spreadsheets



Mastering keyboard shortcuts is the secret sauce to becoming an Excel ninja. In this blog, we'll unveil a collection of essential Excel shortcut hacks that will turbocharge your spreadsheet skills, making you more efficient and productive. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, these shortcuts will elevate your Excel game to new heights.

Table of Contents:

1. Navigation Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Navigate quickly to the edge of data regions.
  • Ctrl + Home/End: Move to the beginning or end of a worksheet.

2. Selection Tricks:

  • Shift + Arrow Keys: Extend selection in the direction of the arrow.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select to the edge of data in a non-continuous manner.

3. Cell Formatting:

  • Ctrl + B/I/U: Apply bold, italic, or underline formatting.
  • Ctrl + 1: Open the Format Cells dialog for more formatting options.

4. Copy and Paste Magic:

  • Ctrl + C/V/X: Copy, paste, or cut selected cells.
  • Ctrl + Alt + V: Paste Special - unleash various paste options.

5. Formula Shortcuts:

  • F2: Edit the active cell.
  • Ctrl + `: Toggle between displaying cell values and formulas.

6. Managing Worksheets:

  • Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn: Navigate between worksheets.
  • Shift + F11: Insert a new worksheet.

7. Auto-Fill Marvels:

  • Ctrl + R/D: Auto-fill right or down.
  • Ctrl + Shift + "+": Insert a new row above the selected cell.

8. Data Handling Shortcuts:

  • Alt + E, S, V: Paste Special - Values.
  • Ctrl + Shift + L: Turn on/off Filter.

9. Quick Calculations:

  • Alt + =: AutoSum selected cells.
  • Ctrl + `: Show formulas in cells.

10. Workbook Navigation:

- **Ctrl + Tab/Shift + Ctrl + Tab:** Switch between open workbooks.
- **Ctrl + W:** Close the current workbook.

11. Macro Shortcuts:

- **Alt + F8:** Open the Macro dialog.
- **Ctrl + Shift + "+":** Insert a new sheet and copy the current sheet.

12. Zooming In and Out:

- **Ctrl + Mouse Scroll:** Zoom in/out for a better view.
- **Alt + W, Q:** Switch to Page Layout view.

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